Friday, December 14, 2007

Press Release - York initiates Intelligent Transportation System Strategic plan

Traffic monitoring technology to help ease traffic congestion on Regional roads

NEWMARKET – York Regional Council today adopted an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Strategic Plan to assist the Region’s Roads Transportation staff to better monitor traffic conditions, help manage traffic flow and traffic congestion, plus send information to commuters.

“With the amount of vehicles on our Regional road network increasing each year, having a coordinated technology plan for monitoring traffic is imperative to keep people and goods moving freely,” said York Region Chairman and CEO Bill Fisch. “The technology outlined in our ITS Strategic Plan will help our staff to better evaluate real-time traffic conditions quicker and help us to keep traffic moving.”

York Region has been using ITS technology for several years, including the use of:

Traffic response control signals that change signal timing based on pre-determined traffic flow information and conditions
A transit signal priority system that automatically changes traffic signal timing to help Viva Rapid Transit buses travel through intersections more quickly
Adaptive signal controls that analyze traffic patterns and optimize signal timing to change with the flow of traffic

Until now, all ITS initiatives were single projects implemented following a successful piloting process. With a coordinated strategy, the Region will expand on our existing technology uses to include:

Traveller information updated frequently and available to residents via phone or Internet
Expansion of the real-time traffic information to include message signs and weather information systems
Integration of transit camera information to update traffic conditions
Integration of traffic information systems to assist with police, fire and EMS emergency response

“A co-ordinated approach to managing traffic congestion on arterial roads is being integrated into many large urban centres across North America,” said Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Mayor Wayne Emmerson, Chair of the Region’s Transportation and Works committee. “As a city-region of nearly one million residents, technological innovations are crucial to keeping our roadways running efficiently.”

The new ITS Strategic Plan will be implemented over the next 10 years.

For more information on The Regional Municipality of York, please visit